Friday, July 19, 2019

A Clothing Brand was born

Shades Of Romeo
Shades Of Romeo
Jul 20 · 3 min read
Shades of Romeo — Clothing Brand

Shades of Romeo-clothing brand

Everything started with a hobby. One year ago I did not think about it that I will transform just a simple idea into a clothing brand. I used to and I’m still doing to offer free flowers on the streets.
free flowers on the streets
My thoughts were that someone in the end who get the flowers will be happy. This makes me keep carry with this hobby. 
I create a facebook page Shades of Romeo. On this page, I started to upload pictures with my hobby activity. In those moments I wasn’t thinking about that I could transform just a simple idea into a clothing brand what people will like it.
On the facebook page, people start to like the pictures of my activity. Their messages make me carry on this hobby. It is true that I started to spend some money and my salary was not enough.
After 3 months of activity, I decided that this brand become a clothing brand. In this way, I hope that Ideea with free flowers to get bigger.

Labels for the clothes

First of all, I printed the labels for a clothing brand. That was my first big step for my clothing brand to became a reality. 
It is true that I’m not a fashion designer. To create a clothing brand you need to have some idea about clothes or brands. That was the reason why I was speaking to a clothes factory to help me to start. At least for beginning to attach my brand and logo to some of their products. 
It was hard at the beginning when I did not have enough money, but that why it is the bank.

The clothes are on the way

Shades of Romeo — clothes brand
I took some money from the bank to buy clothes. That was my second imported step. 
In my mind, I already start to see my clothes with Shades of Romeo on it and my logo too. 
For my safety, I registered the brand to EUIPO. Here you can registred your clothing brand and be protected in Europa. You know why… is not nice you struggle to build something and someone else take it from you. 
My clothes were ready. It has my labels on it. I was so happy, but something was missing. There was no logo on it. To attach the logo on the clothes I had to spoke with another factory.
LOGO — it is the perfect one. Actually, it is my hand holding a rose. ” I had to put this logo on the clothes.” It’s very simple for a clothing brand
At this factory, I find some really nice persons. They agreed to help me with the logo and told me that will take a few weeks until all my clothes will have the logo on it.

A dream what became reality Shades of Romeo — Clothing Brand

Now I’m just waiting to get my clothes back and to see how much the public will like it. I’m sure that you will like it. All the clothes are for ladies. There are some tops, blouses, and dresses lovely ones.
  • Fashion
  • Clothing
  • Clothing Brand
  • Shades Of Romeo
  • Clothing Website

Friday, July 12, 2019

Woman Dress — Before you buy a dress. Shades of Romeo

shades of romeo - woman dress

Small things about woman dress by Shades of Romeo

From old times women use lovely stuff to highlight the beauty of the body.
Even in the past, they use a piece of material to cover the middle of the body. That material can easily take the shape of woman dress in our times.
The Dress was, it is and will be the perfect clothes for you to cover the lovely body parts.
A beautiful dress can make you look great. If the dress has a long slit you can be sure that you will get a lot of looks after you.
A shot slit is better for the office stile. Now depends on you what time of woman dress you want to use.
Also when you choose a dress to buy it for you, you need to know some of the advantage and disadvantage.

Before you buy a dress

first of all, you need to know what type of material the woman dress are made. We speak here about allergies. Is about your safety. And I’m sure you don’t want to have some red dots on your body.
All the characteristics of the woman dress, you need to read it from the label before to wash it. Is very easy to destroy a dress in that way.
Where do you intend to wear a dress? There are a lot of types of woman dresses. For example, is hard for you to go to a wedding party with an office dress.
Here are some of the ideas for you, before you choose to buy a dress. For you or for your friends, the dress has to be the perfect gift.
I have to be honest with you. When I see a lady wearing a dress, for me is something sexy. I really like it, this is true and I think not only me.
All men like to see some lovely persons wearing beautiful dresses. Long or short dresses, we just love it. Is hard for some men to admit that, but the majority of men like a woman to wear a dress.
lovely woman dress
Shades of Romeo