Thursday, July 19, 2018

My first free flowers on the streets

Five white orchids in Old Street station

Monday morning 16/07/2018 I was coming from Vauxhall market with 5 white orchids. I was so happy and I have some emotions. I start to put in practice one of my dreams from … when I was a little younger than now. I remember when I use to give flowers on streets to girls for no reason. I just like that, I can say it is like a hobby.

Now I have to change the technics, my English is not so good and sometimes I have difficulties when I try to express my self. That way I decided to live the flowers in a public space, with a message ” It’s FREE you can take it”, “When was the last time you get flowers?”. If you have more message I will be glad if you write it to me. I will say thanks from now, :).  
To choose the spot was easy. Because I working next to Old Street Station, I was thinking … I live the flowers in the street, take some pictures and go fast to work because I’m already late to work. Ok, from Liverpool Street Station it takes 10 minutes to walk to Old Street.

Now my heart starts to pump a little more blood. A few people stop behind me. They are curious to see what I’m doing there. I put those 5 white orchids on a small sill, I attach the paper with the message and start taking pictures. Now I start to have a feeling that every person on the street is watching me. I just take fast a few pictures and cross the street to buy a coke, actually try to hide to see what was happening.

When I came out of Sainsbury’s, I just sow only 1 white orchid left. I can’t believe it, it was like 3 min, and already gone. I was so happy, really happy. A feeling what you cannot describe… you need to feel it.  

ShadesOfRomeo - A new day of LOVE

When was the last time you get flowers?

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